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Auditing risk management

The importance of effective risk management is now widely recognised and it has become a key part of governance and regulatory expectations. This course will provide assurance professionals with a range of practical tools and techniques for evaluating an organisation’s risk management processes and providing the board with valuable assurance.

Who should attend?

This course is for all assurance professionals involved in reviewing risk management.

What will I learn?

Upon completion you will be better able to:

  • describe the essential components of a risk management framework
  • recognise the key characteristics that contribute towards effective risk management
  • draw upon a range of techniques for reviewing risk management
  • evaluate the effectiveness of the design and operation of the different components of a risk management framework
  • present the results of a risk management review in a meaningful way to help drive improvements within the organisation.

Course programme

The essentials of risk management

  • key components of a risk management framework
  • good practice models
  • ways to successfully embed risk management processes
  • characteristics of effective risk management.

Planning an audit of risk management

  • identifying useful inputs for planning
  • drawing on good practice models
  • using a range of approaches for reviewing a risk management framework.

Conducting an audit of risk management

  • reviewing the design of each component of the risk management framework
  • reviewing the operation and effectiveness of the risk management framework
  • obtaining and integrating the perceptions of management
  • determining the degree to which risk management is embedded
  • using outputs of the risk management processes to inform the evaluation.

Concluding on the effectiveness of risk management

  • drawing conclusions on each element of the risk management framework
  • providing assurance – presenting results in a clear manner
  • agreeing the way forward – a catalyst for continuous improvement.

CPE competency areas covered

  • Performance (Risk management)

14 CPE points



03 - 04 March 2025




Live virtual course
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Non member £1,285.00 ex. VAT
Member £1,085.00 ex. VAT

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