Internal Audit Conference 2024 | Programme

Internal Audit Conference Programme - more speakers to be announced soon! 

Why attend?

The Internal Audit Conference seeks to bring the internal audit community together to share, learn, challenge themselves to help stay ahead of the curve. Through a series of keynotes speeches, practical sessions, and case studies, you will learn about the latest tools, techniques and innovative approaches to effectively perform your role in a rapidly evolving risk landscape. Among other things, this year’s themes will focus on:

  • Managing the risks, threats and opportunities of cyber security
  • The impact and implementation of the New Global Internal Audit Standards
  • The effective use artificial intelligence and audit technology
  • Culture, HR and people - skills for the future
  • Governance and risk management - best practice in mitigating existing and emerging threats

What to expect:

The conference programme has been carefully curated to enable attendees to participate with more flexibility than ever before. Not only can you attend virtually, in-person or a combination of the two but you will be able to:

  • Choose from a variety of breakout sessions from industry practitioners, subject matter experts and thought leaders
  • Attend interactive workshop sessions online or in-person NEW!
  • Visit our communities and special interest groups HUB (in-person only) NEW!
  • Visit the conference exhibition to learn about latest audit technology, trends, solutions and services
  • Build connections by networking with speakers, sponsors and peers
  • Maintain your professional development and gain CPE credits
  • Have your say by attending our annual general meeting on 2nd October (voting members only)

Day 1 - Wednesday 2 October

08:00 – 09:15 REGISTRATION AND NETWORKING  Conference HUB and exhibition open
09:30 – 09:45 WELCOME ADDRESS Sandro Boeri - President, Chartered IIA
09:15 – 09:55 KEYNOTE 1  Benito Ybarra - Executive Vice President of Global Standards, Guidance and Certifications, The IIA Inc. 
10:25 – 11:15 BREAKOUT SESSIONS:
  Strategic approach to implementing the new global internal audit standards Ann Brook - Head of Technical Content and Research, Chartered IIA
  The critical link between effective governance, trust and accountability Tesse Akpeki - Director, Tesse Akpeki Associates Ltd
  Auditing cyber security – highlighting the key risks and controls  John Lloyd -  Director of Internal Audit, McKinsey & Company
  The ever-changing world of AI in business  
  In-person workshop: Can internal audit be truly independent? Richard Willshire - Founder and Managing
Director, Canterfield Risk Management Ltd
  Online workshop: Stepping out of your comfort zone - Are you auditing the real risks facing your organisation? Rachael Gardner - Partner, Independent Audit
11:15 – 11:45 REFRESHMENTS AND NETWORKING  Conference HUB and exhibition open
11:45 – 12:35 BREAKOUT SESSIONS:
  Developing a framework for the effective use of AI in IA  Dr Iain McGregor - Director of Innovation and Development, GIAA 
  The challenges of auditing EDI  
  Failure to prevent fraud – impact of the new ECCT Act  
  Demonstrating Ethical Behaviour and Integrity: Mind Your Blind Spots Richard Chambers - Senior Internal Audit
Advisor, AuditBoard
  In-person workshop: Practical approaches to implementing the new global internal audit standards Ann Brook - Head of Technical Content and Research, Chartered IIA
  Online workshop: Effective report writing – strategies for success  
12:35 – 13:50 LUNCH, NETWORKING AND EXHIBITION Conference HUB and exhibition open
13:15 – 13:30 LUNCH SESSIONS Attend demo session by principal sponsor Auditboard (in person only)
14:00 – 14:45 KEYNOTE: Misinformation, fake news and the impact on business reputation  
14:45 – 15:15 REFRESHMENTS AND NETWORKING  Conference HUB and exhibition open
15:15 – 16:05 BREAKOUT SESSIONS:  
  A strategic approach to AI governance and ethics Sarah Belsham, Partner and Shakie Kawuyu,
Director, RSM
  Leadership in Internal Audit: Now and in the future Peter Elam - Group Head of Risk Management and Business Assurance, Anglo American
  New technology, new standards – what are YOU doing? Liz Sandwith, Special Advisor to and former member of the IIA Standards Board 
Tom Anderson, Solution Consultant,
Wolters Kluwer TeamMate Audit
  Auditing recruitment and retention - understanding the risks to your business  
  In-person workshop: Adopting a coaching culture in internal audit Andrew Baker - Chief Internal Auditor, Canada Life
16:15 - 17:00 KEYNOTE: The human and the machine - how the relationship between the two are reshaping today’s society Hannah Fry - Professor of Mathematics 
17:00 – 17:10 CLOSING REMARKS  

Day 2 - Thursday 3 October

08:30 – 09:10 REGISTRATION AND NETWORKING  Conference HUB and exhibition open
09:15 – 09:30 WELCOME ADDRESS  
09:30 – 10:15 KEYNOTE: Risks and opportunities of managing government finances Gareth Davies, Comptroller and Auditor
General, National Audit Office (NAO)
10:25 – 11:15 BREAKOUT SESSIONS:  
  Consumer duty in the FS sector – protecting your reputation  
  Implementing transformational change and integrated assurance in the public sector – a case study Jacqueline Kedward, Head of Internal Audit, Natural Resources Wales
  Reporting up – what the board and audit committee really wants to hear  
  Assuring ESG programmes through internal audit Graeme Fleming, GRC Principal, Workiva and
Deepa Rao, ESG Controller, Cognizant
  In-person workshop: Managing conflict with auditees Patience Ogunbona, Executive Coach, ATI Coaching
  Online workshop: Providing assurance on the ethical framework required by the new global internal audit standard  
11:15 – 11:45 REFRESHMENTS AND NETWORKING Conference HUB and exhibition open
11:45 – 12:35 BREAKOUT SESSIONS:  
  Ethical dilemmas of the chief internal auditor Steve Evenden, Chief Internal Auditor, Nationwide Building Society
  Overcoming the challenges faced by local authority audit teams  
  Measuring the impact and value of internal audit to an organisation Ravinder Purewal, Group Head of Internal Audit and Mark Rollings, Senior Internal Audit Manager Integrafin Holdings Plc
  Harnessing the power of AI to improve Risk Management Erin McDonnell, Customer Success Manager, Diligent
  In-person workshop: Auditing risk management Stephen Maycock 
  Online workshop: Unlock your career potential: Personal Branding for Internal Auditors Anja J Carter, Founder of the Game Changing Company
12:35 – 13:50 LUNCH, NETWORKING AND EXHIBITION Conference HUB and exhibition open
13:15 – 13:30 LUNCH SESSIONS Attend demo session by principal sponsor Auditboard (in person only)
14:00 – 14:45 KEYNOTE PANEL Sandro Boeri - President, Chartered IIA
Carolyn Clarke, Deputy President, Chartered IIA
Mark Babington - Executive Director Regulatory Standards, Financial Reporting Council
Veesh Sharma -  Chief Risk Officer & Interim Chief Assurance Officer, Save the Children 
Andy Kemp - Chair, Audit Committee Chairs Independent Forum
14:45 – 15:15 REFRESHMENTS AND NETWORKING Conference HUB and exhibition open
15:15 - 16:05 BREAKOUT SESSIONS:  
  The internal audit role in financial management  
  Reputation matters – top risks facing the charity/not for profit sector Jonathan Orchard, Partner, Sayer Vincent
Laura Kemp, Senior Auditor, SWAP Internal Audit Services and Chair of the Charities Internal Audit Network (CIAN)
  Developing your stragetic thinking skills  
  The right people, the right skills - developing talent in internal audit  
  In-person workshop: Does your audit plan reflect the business use of AI? Patrick Ladon, Data Analytics Lead, Deutsche
16:15 - 16:55 KEYNOTE 
Redefining what matters
 Dr Kamel Hothi OBE
16:55 – 17:10 CLOSING REMARKS  

 *conference programme is subject to change