Impact of Business Disruption | Chartered IIA thought leadership programme

25 March - 13 April | Online

Supported by: 

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From start-ups to new business models, disruptors continue to take many companies by surprise. Research from both the Chartered IIA and Protiviti shows that executives are acutely aware of these disruption threats and their potential impact on organisations. Threats which keep the issue of survival at the top of a board’s risk agenda. It follows that internal audit plays a key role in identifying potential disruption and the opportunities it may present.

We have added two more dates, where we will investigate how the internal audit profession continues to be disrupted. We invite you to explore with us how the profession can reimagine its approaches and the measures being taken to respond to future business disruption risks. We will also look at how to harness the opportunities that disruption presents. 

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This event is supported by our sponsor Protiviti