Live virtual | Auditing strategy

Presented by: Stan Dormer

Success or failure of an organisation's chosen strategies has a huge impact on the organisation's reputation, longevity, performance and the confidence of its stakeholders. This intensive short course provides an ideal introduction to the complex subject of auditing strategy and strategic risk.

Who should attend?

  • Open to all.
  • This course lends itself to a collaborative and interactive style, therefore numbers will be restricted to five.

What will I learn?

Upon completion you will be able to:

  • identify the critical differences between strategic objectives and other types of organisational objective
  • understand strategic plans, strategic risk and how strategy can be measured
  • undertake an audit of organisational strategy.

How do I book?

We're here to help you. Those interested in undertaking this course virtually should get in touch with Jo Allen, our Training Manager, who can be reached directly on 0207 819 1922. Or on email at

Course programme

About strategy

  • what constitutes strategy – how do you define strategy?
  • why do organisations need to articulate strategy if they are already successful?
  • what's the difference between strategic risk and other types of risk?
  • how do you measure strategic outcomes?
  • why should auditors bother themselves with organisational strategy?

Auditing strategy

  • is auditing strategy any different from auditing any other process?
  • auditing strategic objectives and strategic plans – what should I examine?
  • how strategic objectives are created and set – what's the process?
  • how to assess initial strategic risk: good and bad strategies; tangible and intangible business cases; costs – benefits – and measureable outputs and outcomes
  • KPIs, KRIs, key targets, critical success factors and other indicators of strategic progress
  • factoring in complexity – dealing with the unknown or uncontrollable risks
  • locating and uncovering the unintended effects of strategic choices
  • strategy reassessment and measuring of variance
  • auditing strategies mid-term
  • auditing strategy post completion yields
  • lessons learnt from strategic failure.

CPE competency areas covered

  • Business acumen
  • Governance, risk and control

7 CPE points

Full price

Member: £625 + VAT
Non-member: £840 + VAT

SAVE 20% by undertaking this course virtually

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