Assurance mapping and co-ordination

The new Global Internal Audit Standards emphasises that we must do work that is co-ordinated with others (e.g., Finance, IT, Risk and compliance) and we have a consistent process for determining how much to rely on them.

Learn how to measure other assurances (in the first and second lines) and best practices for audit planning using this information.

We will also cover basic assurance mapping techniques to identify gaps and overlaps in the assurance jigsaw i.e. too much monitoring and auditing in some areas and not enough in others.

Learn through numerous practical case studies how these techniques give internal audit a voice concerning the ways other functions might improve their work and how different functions might better co-operate to give a more powerful, joined up and consistent message – so internal audit isn’t a lone voice.

Date Venue
12 November 2024
Live virtual course
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11 March 2025
Live virtual course
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